of all fires arise from electricity, many of them in electrical appliances
Source: ifs-ev.org 2019, Ursachenstatistik Brandschäden 2019
Business interruption is the greatest risk for companies
Source: Allianz Risk Barometer 2020
number of AMFE connections with multialert®
The Automatic Miniature Fire Extinguisher AMFE
Your benefits at a glance
Automatic Fire Protection
Automatic Fire Extinguishing
Connectable with multialert®
No use of CO2
Economical Solutions
Your benefits at a glance
What is the AMFE?
What is the AMFE?
The automatic miniature fire extinguisher AMFE is a fire-extinguishing fuse.
Quality-conscious manufacturers have been bringing safe products onto the market for years. The causes that can lead to a technical defect and possibly a fire can never be ruled out 100%.
Around every third fire occurs due to electricity, and many continue to occur in electrical appliances. The AMFE can be built directly into the electronics by manufacturers and protects you from damage when it would otherwise be too late.
If there should be a technical defect in an electrical device, the AMFE can detect the fire, extinguish it and prevent it from reigniting. And it gets even better: Thanks to our special solution multialert®, an unlimited number of AMFEs can be networked and triggered remotely at the same time - for your maximum security.
AMFE offers fire protection for your control cabinet, electrical cabinet and electrical systems!
*applies to the e-bulb
That's what our clients say:
"If a fire broke out in our logistics center, we would not only have the problem that our systems would be over, but also our customers' goods, which are packed and shipped by us. The AMFE protects us against the risk of fire in the switchgear in a device-integrated way and also protects the delivery of your packages."
"To protect our production facilities, we installed the AMFE in all of our control cabinets and switchgear. In this way we can prevent costly production losses and system downtimes caused by fire. This gives us production security. "
Logistics Manager
Amazon Services GmbH
Technical Manager
ABS Coatings GmbH
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